
Why Should I Install a Picture Window?

Picture windows have long been a popular choice for homeowners. In fact, picture windows were the first windows ever used. Picture windows were once just holes covered with animal hides, clothes, or wood. In time, this was upgraded to windows made with thin chunks of marble, paper, and flattened pieces of animal horn placed in iron, wood, or lead frames. When glass was finally used, there was no going back. Picture windows continue to be a popular option for homeowners looking to upgrade different spaces of their homes. Picture windows provide several great benefits to homeowners, making them a top option, even to this day.

Improved Lighting

Everyone loves a well-lit home, and natural lighting is the best way to achieve this. Nothing provides better lighting than a large picture window. Picture windows provide a large amount of natural light, that offers numerous health benefits. When you receive more natural light, you get more vitamin D, which promotes bone health and reduces the risk of heart disease. Natural light helps to prevent or minimize seasonal depression and is believed to help improve sleep. Plus, it reduces the need for artificial lighting sources like fluorescent bulbs, known for causing headaches, eye strain, and anxiety.

Maximize the View

Picture windows provide gorgeous views, whether facing your front yard or backyard. These large, screenless windows offer a crystal clear view every day, allowing you to witness the changing seasons, stunning sunrises and sunsets, and the beauty of natural wildlife, all from the comfort of your home. When you desire privacy or less light, simply close the curtains or blinds, which are easily installed with the window.

Minimal Maintenance

The best home updates are the ones that don’t require a lot of maintenance. This makes a picture window the perfect addition to your living room or kitchen. Windows that open have a lot of components that require cleaning, maintenance, and repair. They also have seals that can experience wear and tear from the friction of repetitive opening and closing. Moving windows require a screen to prevent debris and pests from entering the home. These screens can tear over time. These windows rely on hinges that can become rusted or break. While these are minor maintenance tasks, they can still be inconvenient and cost time and money.

With a picture window, maintenance is a breeze. Picture windows are stationary, so you don’t have to worry about tracks, screens, hinges, and other components. To properly maintain a picture window, all you need to do is keep an eye on the glass and the seal surrounding the window. There is naturally less wear and tear since the windows are stationary.

Could Reduce Energy Bills

Windows play a vital role in your energy efficiency. When a window doesn’t have a proper seal, or is accidentally left cracked open, this can cause your HVAC system to kick into overdrive. Whether it is your heating or cooling, drafts can affect your system’s ability to function efficiently. When your heating or cooling system has to work harder, this can cause your monthly utility bills to rise.

A sturdy picture window with proper sealant won’t have any drafts. This makes it easier to maintain a steady temperature. You can even invest in insulated glass, providing a beneficial barrier that continues to improve energy efficiency, keeping energy bills low. Picture windows can be especially beneficial in the winter. Due to their size, picture windows can create heat gain through both heat transmitted through radiation and conduction. This may not provide enough heat to turn down your heating system, but it will add to the coziness. You’ll love watching the snow fall while safe and cozy on the couch.

Easy to Clean

Since picture windows are so simplistic, you don’t have to worry about cleaning several components. There are no nooks and crannies to worry about when it comes to a picture window. Moveable windows often include a track system, which needs careful wiping or vacuuming to get completely clean. You also have to clean up debris that can get stuck between the screen and windowpane. When it comes to your picture window, all you would need to worry about is having glass cleaner and a sponge or rag. Simple, periodic cleaning ensures you always have a crystal-clear view.

Modern Design

If you love a modern look, a picture window is perfect to fit your style. One major staple of modern design is minimalism. A picture window takes up a large amount of wall space. It can make the room feel larger and less cluttered. Picture windows are available in all shapes and sizes. Traditionally, you’ll often see rectangles or squares. However, you can also select shapes such as circles, triangles, hexagons, octagons, and more. You can also customize the size of your picture window, from smaller windows to floor-to-ceiling sizes — the possibilities are endless.

Turn to the Professionals

A picture window can be a great addition to any home. Picture windows provide a large, clear view of the outside world surrounding your home. Your space will be flooded with natural light that will boost your mood and minimize your use of artificial lights that can cause a headache. You’ll love the minimum maintenance of only having to worry about keeping the window clean. Picture windows look great for any style and design, but really complement a modern look. You’ll love the look and feel of your space more than ever before. Reach out to your local window installation company to learn more about the benefits of a picture window.

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